
“As the CEO of a company, it's crucial that I write and communicate clearly, succinctly, and persuasively. Before working with Marisa I knew that I wasn't great, but I didn't realize just how much my writing could be improved. With Marisa's help, I not only learned specific issues to fix and improvements to make, but I also learned the underlying approaches that I was taking that were leading my writing to be waffly and unpersuasive. Marisa taught me how to approach a piece of writing in a way that would not just impact the specific pieces we worked on together, but also gave me the tools needed so that I could continue to write effectively. From freeing myself of simple bad habits that I had picked up from childhood, all the way through to crafting strategies to use when undertaking any writing project; with Marisa's help, I have vastly improved the performance of my writing - something that is crucial for my role. ”

— Tom Sayer, Co-Founder and CEO, Ello

"Working with Marisa was important, generative, and a lot of fun! I can say for certain that, had I not had the time with her, I would not have been able to turn my thoughts into an actual manuscript. She was a committed thought partner and co-creator and knew all of the right ways to both encourage and challenge my process, never losing sight of the overarching purpose to get a manuscript written. Before our time together, The Soil of Leadership was largely a collection of independent ideas and practices, but through our work together a through-line emerged on which I could form a narrative arc. She helped me to find a way forward and discern how and where the many ideas (and stories) fit (and didn't). In summary, thanks to our work together I was able to (1) clarify my voice (2) discover ways in which my thoughts and stories could make the transition from being verbally articulated to memorialized in word and (3) produce a full manuscript! I am grateful for her and would recommend her to anyone looking to turn your ideas and words into something that others would want to read!"

— Dr. Britt Yamamoto, Co-Founder and CEO, Perennial

I am a Movement Professional who has been working with Marisa since 2019, an experience which has expanded my view of myself as a writer. When I started working with her, my goal was to simply write a few blogs and get some editing eyes. What I did not expect was for Marisa to challenge my expressions as a writer and a creative being. She has helped me take my thoughts and create the deeper story hidden behind my words. Marisa has a gift for bringing people life through writing. 

Before I worked with Marisa I saw myself as just a personal trainer that wanted to write blogs for my website. Now, I see myself as a creative writer that writes transformative stories through my experiences as a movement professional. Marisa has brought out the best of me in my writing and in my career.

I have gained so much confidence working with Marisa. I have also become a more creative person, both in and outside of my writing. Working with Marisa has been a process of growth for me to discover more of myself through writing.

— Daniela Serna, Founder of Remade Wellness