Make Your Content Stand Out (and Sound Like You)

Content partner, coach and editor for industry-leaders 

You’ve done something unique and you’ve built an audience around that original offering. Now you want to get your writing up to the level of your ideas. Outsourcing something this personal doesn’t feel right; but you know you need expert support to keep up the pace of regular, high-quality output. That’s where I come in.

With my extensive experience writing, editing and coaching content across multiple industries (leadership, education, finance, psychology), I provide insights into your writing, help you see your blindspots and push you to be a better thinker. I’ll hold you accountable and — if all goes well — turn a process that might feel like a hamster wheel into a satisfying climb.

Who is this service for?

For top-of-craft professionals who put out regular content and are looking for support to improve their writing (or their writing staff!) – in terms of ideas and presentation. This engagement helps you build the plane while flying it, making each piece of writing better – and helping you develop as a writer – while holding you accountable to your publication goals.

How does it work?

We synch to your publication calendar: several days before your deadline, you provide me a draft which I review with extensive comments. Then we meet for an hour to review and discuss.  Afterwards I provide you with a recording/transcript of our call and high-level notes about our discussion to help you complete the article. You revise the article and then return it to me for one final round of polishing.

What’s my investment?

Starting at $1,300 per month, with a minimum six-month commitment. 

So what happens next?

It all starts with a complimentary call so I can learn where you are, where you want to go, and determine how to get there.

We chat

We’ll start with a discovery call where I get to know you. Then we’ll set a regular cadence of meetings to get you going.

We set our calendar

With my outside perspective and expertise, you’ll produce more effective content and become a more confident writer.

We get to work


  • If you’ve got a content strategy centered around original ideas and a regular cadence of production, I can come on board and help you do it better.

  • If you want a ghostwriter or someone to produce hub-and-spoke content, this service is not for you. I work with a range of industries, but I tend to work best with people who value storytelling rather than people looking for technical, data-heavy writing.

There are two people I trust my life with, my chiropractor and Marisa. Since working with her, I finally feel confident in bringing my passions into the world in written format, be it a blog, a social media post, website copy, or materials that go to my clients.

Before working with Marisa, my fear of creating content paralyzed me. I am confident as a speaker, but I have high anxiety as a writer, which was preventing me from getting messages important to me out in the world (and ranking on Google).

Now, I have higher levels of engagement. I am seen as an authority, rather than the “passionate guy who has no clue how to structure a sentence.” Now I never stress about any content that Marisa works on – almost anything I ship out into the world. The era of tightening in my chest every time I create a piece of content is a thing of the past. I am producing better content than ever before, and generating leads from my blog that would never have seen the light of day without Marisa. Marisa has become my secret weapon in any project I work on. Please, don't hire her, because she is invaluable to me!!!

— Michael Ian Cedar, The Legacy of You